it’s okay, the tshirt

Depresssion, borderline personality disorder, self harm, addiction.
All these things are stigmatised and not talked about but they are real as the people who suffer from them.
Thankfully there are people out there who care and who dedicate their lives to helping these people.

Recently I hit a REALLY dark time, it was bad, it was “where’s the blade” bad but I thankfully I have a lot of support and am surrounded by people who really care. I got through it. What really got me though is a non profit organisation called SADAG (South African Depression and Anxiety Group) who got hold of me on twitter and sent me supporting messages and offered to stay up with me and talk if that’s what I needed.)

I did a drawing during this, it spurted after I wrote the words “it’s okay” for myself to stick on my wall. Nym was the result. She’s me. And she’s saying that it’s okay, it’s okay to be sad or upset, to be tall or skinny or large. It’s okay to be you.

So I’ve turned her into a tshirt using a great company where you can design a campaign and you’re only charged if you reach your target. I’ve got it at 25 shirts, so if 25 people promise to buy it then they’ll go to print. I’m hoping that 25 of you are willing to support me on this. I’ll be sad if it doesn’t happen but I’ll also kinda understand.

Also, half of the profits will go to, they don’t know about this yet but hopefully we can deposit a something in their account to say thank you for all that they do.

INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: they don’t ship to you so choose the collect from buyer option and then email me and let me know you’ve done so with your address and I’ll post it to you once it’s arrived at me.

Sales are here: It’s Okay tees


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